AXEL iv, a postscript


My home shall be open for the sun and the wind and the voices of the sea – like a Greek temple – and light, light, light everywhere! Axel Munthe

 A man can stand a lot as long as he can stand himself. He can live without hope, without friends, without books, even without music, as long as he can listen to his own thoughts. Axel Munthe

After an eye illness Munthe retired to a nearby ancient tower in the world he created, there he wrote The Story of San Michele, a history of the villa, interwoven with stories from his own experiences. The book was a run-away best seller all over the world.


  1. I have the book and it has been gathering dust on the bookshelf. You have inspired me to dust it off & read it. (Bought it in San Michele)

  2. Wow, a blog just about Ottoline! I have a book about Ottoline at Garstang - I just can't put my hand on it at the moment. She is in the pantheon of looooong jawed literaries like Wolff, and Sackville West.

  3. Clever, I am thrilled you have discovered my guilty pleasure. I have tried to put hands to everything written in depth about her. The blog is slow going but a must do. pgt
